Update: The #CBTLawsuit rollout is beginning – we need YOUR support



This post is to:

  • announce the “roll out” of a lawsuit filed in the United States
  • against the Government of the United States
  • to strike down the most egregious aspects of U.S. “place of birth taxation”
  • and provide relief for those who reside outside the United States and are unjustly, unfairly and unlawfully burdened by the attempt of the United States to impose its laws on the residents and/or citizens of other nations.

The lawsuit will require a large amount of funding including an immediate injection  of $25,000.

For those who only want to contribute the funding are invited to go here. Those who want to understand what we are doing read on.

By way of background:

One more U.S. citizen abroad is forced to renounce her U.S. citizenship:

Continue reading Update: The #CBTLawsuit rollout is beginning – we need YOUR support

“How To Live Outside The United States In An FBAR And FATCA World” – Part 2 – Taxation and your country of residence

Introduction …

Tax Connections recently reposted a post that I wrote:

“How To Live Outside The United States In An FBAR And FATCA World”. That post was reposted at the Isaac Brock Society, where it has received a number of interesting comments. Additional comments appear at the American Expatriates Facebook group. The comments have made me realize that there are many, many, more dimensions to this problem.

Americans abroad by definition live in other nations and are subject to the tax jurisdiction of other nations. My first post dealt with the life of U.S. citizens abroad from the perspective of U.S. taxation and regulation. What about from the perspective of your country of residence!

A particularly insightful comment at the Isaac Brock Society from Edelweiss reminded me that Americans abroad must be mindful of the tax laws of their country of residence. Edelwiess’s comment which is worth a post (and is being reposted here) is a stark reminder how the laws of all nations can impact your choice of investments anywhere.

In my original post, I listed as my “5th Commandment” (of 10 Commandments):

5. Thou shalt NOT buy non-U.S. mutual funds. If you do, you will have your gains confiscated in the form of an “Excess Distribution” Tax. Buy American. Buy U.S. mutual funds.

This is true from a U.S. tax perspective. Edelweiss reminds us that we must also consider the tax perspective from the country of residence – in this case the U.K. Edelweiss comments:
Continue reading “How To Live Outside The United States In An FBAR And FATCA World” – Part 2 – Taxation and your country of residence

“How To Live Outside The United States In An FBAR And FATCA World” – Part 3 – Sanctions and “direct life control”

Introduction …


Tax Connections recently reposted a post that I wrote:

“How To Live Outside The United States In An FBAR And FATCA World”. That post was reposted at the Isaac Brock Society, where it has received a number of interesting comments. Additional comments appear at the American Expatriates Facebook group. The comments have made me realize that there are many, many, more dimensions to this problem.

In 2012 a seminar presenter at NYU joked that:

“FATCA is the gift that just keeps on giving”.

What has become clear (as a U.S. tax expert once commented) is that:

“U.S. citizenship is the gift that just keeps on taking!”

FATCA is simply a mechanism to help the USA exploit “U.S. citizenship” to keep on “taking” from:

There is more than one way of “taking” …

“Some” ways of taking include:

  • direct taxation
  • extra-territorial laws that restrict the liberty of U.S. persons (including “accidentals”) abroad

Restricting the activities of Americans Abroad

This post is to acknowledge and describe some of the ways that the USA uses its assumed jurisdiction over “U.S. citizens” to restrict the activities of those “citizens” when they are outside the United States.

Continue reading “How To Live Outside The United States In An FBAR And FATCA World” – Part 3 – Sanctions and “direct life control”

Chapter 5: Living Clean – How to live outside the United States in an #FBAR and #FATCA world

This series of posts developed from my “Educational Outreach” program for Americans abroad. It is an effort to respond in a practical way to the questions that people have.

The chapters of “Coming into U.S. Tax Compliance Book” are:

Chapter 1 – “Accepting Cleanliness – Understanding U.S. Citizenship Taxation – To Remain a U.S. Citizen or to Renounce U.S. Citizenship

Chapter 2 – “But wait, I can’t Renounce U.S. citizenship if I’m not a U.S. Citizen. How do I know if I am a U.S. Citizen?”

Chapter 3 – “No matter what, I must come into U.S. Tax Compliance – Coming into U.S. Tax Compliance for Those who have NOT been Filing U.S. Taxes

Chapter4 – “Oh no, I have Attempted U.S. Tax Compliance by Filing Tax Returns. I have just Learned that I have made Mistakes. How do I fix Those Mistakes?”

Chapter 5 – “I don’t want to Renounce U.S. Citizenship. How to live Outside the United States as a U.S. Tax Compliant Person

Chapter 6 – “I do want to Renounce U.S. Citizenship. This is too much for me. How the U.S. “Exit Tax” Rules Might Apply to me if I Renounce

Chapter 7 – “I Really wish I Could do Retirement Planning like a “Normal” Person. But, I’m an American Abroad. I hear I can’t Invest in Mutual funds in my Country of Residence. The Problem of Americans Abroad and non-U.S. Mutual Funds Explained.

Chapter 5: Living Clean – How to live outside the United States in an #FBAR and #FATCA World

“When in Rome, live as a Homelander” does, when elsewhere, live as they live elsewhere.”


Americans abroad are constantly told that they should “come clean”. They should file their U.S. taxes. This assumes that they are somehow “unclean” or perhaps “dirty”. The life of an “American abroad” is about three things:

1. “Thinking Clean” – The importance of “thinking clean” while living abroad.

2. “Coming Clean” – Atoning for the sins of “living abroad” and entering the U.S. tax system; and

3. “Living Clean” – Living as a Homeland American outside the United States

“Living clean” for Americans abroad


A supporter of “citizenship taxation” is a person who thinks about “citizenship taxation”.

An opponent of “citizenship taxation” is a “U.S. tax compliant” American abroad who understands what it’s like to live under “citizenship taxation”.

Continue reading Chapter 5: Living Clean – How to live outside the United States in an #FBAR and #FATCA world

Chapter 4: Attempted US Tax Compliance: Fixing filing errors for Americans abroad in a #FATCA World

This series of posts developed from my “Educational Outreach” program for Americans abroad. It is an effort to respond in a practical way to the questions that people have.

The chapters of “Coming Into U.S. Tax Compliance Book” are:

Chapter 1 – “Accepting Cleanliness – Understanding U.S. Citizenship Taxation – To remain a U.S. citizen or to renounce U.S. citizenship

Chapter 2 – “But wait, I can’t renounce U.S. citizenship if I’m not a U.S. citizen. How do I know if I am a U.S. citizen?”

Chapter 3 – “No matter what, I must come into U.S. tax compliance – Coming into U.S. tax compliance for those who have NOT been filing U.S. taxes

Chapter4 – “Oh no, I have attempted U.S. tax compliance by filing tax returns. I have just learned that I have made mistakes. How do I fix those mistakes?”

Chapter 5 – “I don’t want to renounce U.S. citizenship. How to live outside the United States as a U.S. tax compliant person

Chapter 6 – “I do want to renounce U.S. citizenship. This is too much for me. How the U.S. “Exit Tax” rules might apply to me if I renounce


FATCA, non-U.S. banks and the tax compliance industry have unleashed a “witch hunt” for Americans abroad. Those who have never filed U.S. taxes will find themselves under pressure to become U.S. tax compliant. In most cases, those who have never attempted U.S. tax compliance will be able to come into compliance relatively easily.

For those who have attempted U.S. tax compliance and have made mistakes, it is NOT quite as easy. Although all problems are fixable, caution is warranted. Depending on the seriousness of the mistake or omission, specialized counseling may be appropriate.

The first question is: MUST you “fix past filing errors”?

The answer appears to be no. A recent discussion of this problem included:

Neither the federal tax law nor the Treasury Regulations provide that a taxpayer has an affirmative statutory duty to file an amended income tax return, as long the original return reflects a good faith effort to comply with the law at the time the tax return was originally filed.  The Treasury Regulations, which are drafted by the IRS, instruct that a taxpayer “should,” within the period of limitation, amend to correct prior errors in a tax return, but not that a taxpayer “must” amend.  See Treas. Reg. § 1.451-1(a).

I have included the above as a “beginning” to your thought process. This is a question that you should explore with your adviser.

The second question is: SHOULD you “fix past filing errors”?

There is no way to even give “general advice” in this post. What I can do is refer you to the current guidelines posted by the IRS.

Start here. Click on the link in the above tweet and then seek specialized counseling.

Okay, our detour is over. Let’s return to the general principles for “Coming Clean” for those who are lucky enough to have never filed U.S. tax returns.

John Richardson – Citizenship Solutions

Chapter 1 – ACCEPTING CLEANLINESS or at least the necessity to “Live Clean

This series of posts developed from my “Educational Outreach” program for Americans abroad. It is an effort to respond in a practical way to the questions that people have.

The chapters of “Coming Into U.S. Tax Compliance Book” are:

Chapter 1 – “Accepting Cleanliness – Understanding U.S. Citizenship Taxation – To remain a U.S. citizen or to renounce U.S. citizenship

Chapter 2 – “But wait, I can’t renounce U.S. citizenship if I’m not a U.S. citizen. How do I know if I am a U.S. citizen?”

Chapter 3 – “No matter what, I must come into U.S. tax compliance – Coming into U.S. tax compliance for those who have NOT been filing U.S. taxes

Chapter4 – “Oh no, I have attempted U.S. tax compliance by filing tax returns. I have just learned that I have made mistakes. How do I fix those mistakes?”

Chapter 5 – “I don’t want to renounce U.S. citizenship. How to live outside the United States as a U.S. tax compliant person

Chapter 6 – “I do want to renounce U.S. citizenship. This is too much for me. How the U.S. “Exit Tax” rules might apply to me if I renounce

The Shorter Version: For those who are CERTAIN that you are “U.S Persons” (citizens or Green Card holders) and you want to remain U.S. persons and you want to come into U.S. tax compliance – just go here.

Chapter 1 – Prologue:

What did “change you can believe in” mean for Americans abroad?

From The Desk of John Richardson  …

In 2009, the Obama administration began an unprecedented campaign to force American citizens abroad to file U.S. taxes. Although, the U.S. has always had “citizenship-based taxation”, it was never enforced. It was also virtually unknown to the specific group it was aimed at – U.S. citizens abroad.

U.S. Citizenship-based taxation requires all “U.S. persons” (which includes U.S. citizens) to comply with all provisions of the U.S Internal Revenue Code. In other words, if you are a U.S. citizen you are deemed to reside in the United States.

The “enforcement effort” (which was marketed by the media) and enforced by “tax professionals and lawyers) has caused tremendous damage to people who reside outside the U.S. and are often citizens of other countries.

In 2014, I developed an “Educational Outreach – Solving The Problems of U.S. Citizenship” program to help people understand this problem and deal with it. During these information sessions, I have experienced “first hand” the fear, the trauma and the anger. After attending one session, a commenter wrote:

I would add that it was evident that some people at the meeting have suffered significant mental anguish, either now or in the past. These are good people, who had tried as US citizens to do the right thing, but who have been stymied by rules and complexities of the IRS code which, to paraphrase John, “no rational person would ever have suspected or guessed would remotely be true”.

I find the damage to mind and body to be one of the most heart-rending things about this whole mess. Someone wrote to me recently, “So I’m not alone in my panic!! Yeah, there’s been plenty of sleepless nights. Just can’t get it out of my head.” Many reading have had that experience.

I am waiting for the day that someone in government finally notices and apologies, perhaps admitting, “We tortured some folks.”

This series of posts, which I call the “Coming Into U.S. Compliance Book“, is an attempt to organize information of interest and importance to those “affected by FATCA, FBAR and U.S. citizenship-based taxation”. Most of it is practical information related to how to file U.S. taxes. That said, the “context” of this issue is important. As a result, I have made some effort to suggest how these “U.S. tax issues” will affect (in a practical way) your day-to-day life as a U.S. citizen abroad.

I have no idea who will read these posts. Some people are offended by U.S. “extra-territorial” tax policies and others are not (surprise, surprise).

That said, those who have been negatively affected by this have suffered major “trauma”. The “trauma” has affected people physically and emotionally. It has impacted their marriages. It has forced them to have to rethink and redefine who they are as individuals. Some of those most affected by the enforcement of “citizenship taxation” do NOT agree that they are U.S. citizens. (Can the United States impose unwanted citizenship on those who do NOT believe they are U.S. citizens?)

But, hey that’s just some people.

Along with others, I have also worked hard to write submissions to various governments concerning FATCA and “citizenship taxation”. Most recently, Dr. Stephen Kish, Patricia Moon and I compiled a massive submission to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee to persuade the United States to repeal citizenship-based taxation.

This series of posts absolutely reflects my view that U.S. citizenship-based taxation is a profound injustice. It is taxation based on the immutable characteristic of “place of birth”. To quote a person from one of my information sessions:

“It’s unjust. It’s inhumane. I didn’t choose where I was born.”

I invite those who disagree with me  to comment.

John Richardson


It’s time for you to “Come Clean”!

Let’s begin

Americans abroad are constantly told that they should “come clean”. They should file their U.S. taxes. This assumes that they are somehow “unclean” or perhaps “dirty”. The life of an “American abroad” is about three things:

1. “Accepting Cleanliness” – Accepting that the U.S. tax system is designed to impose a specific “life style” and restrictions on them. Most of the U.S. tax system is about ensuring that when Americans live outside the United States, they live as a tourist and NOT as a resident of another country. They live pursuant to American values and NOT pursuant to the values of their country of residence.

2. How Do I Know If I Am A U.S. Citizen?

3. “Coming Clean” – Atoning for the sins of “living abroad” and entering the U.S. tax system

4. Fixing past compliance mistakes; and

5. “Living Clean” – Living as a Homeland American (when you are not) outside the United States

6. Renouncing U.S. Citizenship and the Exit Tax

Each of these issues will be considered as a separate chapter.

This is Chapter 1 and is about “Accepting Cleanliness”.

Of course, this applies only to “U.S. persons”. So, we have included a special bonus post to answer the question of:

Are you or have you ever been an American citizen?

Welcome – Chapter 1 – Executive Summary

Born in the USA

When I think of Bruce Springsteen, I think of his song: “Born In The USA!!”

What Bruce didn’t know was that those born in the United States of America are potentially “Tax Cheats By Birth”.

There are very few countries that grant citizenship based solely on being born in the country. There are only two countries that impose taxation based on citizenship. The United States does both.

So, what does this mean?

1. If you were born in the United States you started out life as a U.S. citizen.

2. If you were NOT born in the United States, you may or may not have started life as a U.S. citizen.

3. All U.S. citizens are treated as U.S. residents and are subject to U.S. taxation regardless of where they live in the world.

Therefore, if you were born in the United States, and are still a U.S. citizen, you are subject to US. taxation:

– wherever you live in the world


(However, your assets are treated as “foreign” and “offshore”. This is a fact that leads to massive problems.)

How could you have known? It’s the OMG moment!

You are one of the many people who has just learned (it’s your OMG moment) that you are subject to U.S. taxation. You are feeling an “uneasy sense of disbelief”. Join the club. The available statistics suggest that a small percentage of Americans abroad have been aware of any U.S. tax obligations. Furthermore, I assure that of those who have a vague awareness of the requirement to file U.S. tax returns, very few are (or will ever) be aware of the full extent of their tax obligations!

Defining your problem – if you have never filed U.S. taxes you have a compliance problem

Understand that, although you have not been filing U.S. taxes, your problem is more of a “compliance problem” than a “tax problem”. This post to help you understand how to come into U.S. tax compliance. This should be understood BEFORE you contact or engage a tax professional.

You have two problems of being a U.S. citizen abroad:

Problem number 1: You were born in the United States AND do not live in the United States.

Problem number 2: Compliance with the “Internal Revenue Code” involves much more than the payment of taxes.

End of “Executive Summary”. If you want you can stop reading and go immediately to “Coming Clean: Coming into U.S. tax compliance.”

But I suggest  you wait just a minute and (if you have the “stomach”) read on. You will learn some things that may shape your thinking.

The reality of U.S. citizenship abroad: Where tax and citizenship intersect

Compliance with the Internal Revenue Code involves being subject to a whole “regime” of information reporting and life restrictions. It’s about more than paying taxes. Much more! What does that “Much more” include?

In fairness, all countries use their tax system as instruments of “social engineering”. In other words taxation is used to collect revenue, encourage certain kinds of behavior and discourage certain types of behavior. The Internal Revenue Code is also a convenient way for “elected representatives” do “favors” for their most “favored” constituents. But, let’s just concern ourselves with how the Internal Revenue Code of the United States affects the lives of Americans abroad.

So, how does the “Internal Revenue Code of the United States” affect the lives of SOME Americans abroad?

The above tweet references the accounts of seven people. Have a look at those who interest you .  In fairness, not everybody experiences it quite this dramatically! Nevertheless, it demonstrates the problems of what the U.S. refers to as “citizenship-based taxation” and others call “residence based life control”. Some have gone so far as to refer to the taxation of Americans abroad as the

“prison of citizenship-based taxation”.

Different strokes for different folks …

Some people deeply resent being subject to U.S. laws when they don’t live in the United States. Some don’t care. Some feel that it is their “Patriotic Duty” to submit to U.S. regulation when they don’t reside in the U.S. People are different.

It’s up to you. Watch the videos if you are interested. They depict how people experience an institution that is specific to America. What’s that institution called?

The name’s “Taxation”, “Citizenship Based Taxation”

Understanding the “so called taxation” of Americans abroad requires that you remember the James Bond movie Goldfinger. (Incidentally, Dr. NO (the first Bond film) was released in 1962. This was the year that the “Controlled Foreign Corporations” took effect. And yes, that includes Canadian Controlled Private Corporations.)


Goldfinger – The three main villians

You may recall the main characters in Goldfinger were: Aurich Goldfinger, Pussy Galore and Oddjob.  Each of these three people is a direct analogy to the aspects of the Internal Revenue Code that make the lives of Americans abroad impossible.  Time to introduce them.

First: Goldfinger – Mr. FBAR: Mr. FBAR is the character who demands “full disclosure” of all information about your finances (and therefore all information about your life). Now, of course there’s much more than “FBAR”. But, Mr. FBAR is a symbol of the “forced disclosure” of information regime.

Bottom line: There is no financial (or any other kind of privacy) in America. All Americans abroad are well advised to learn about Mr. FBAR.

mr fbar

Second: Pussy Galore – Ms. PFIC: Ms. PFIC is the character who reminds you of the dangers of tax deferral and retirement planning. She is the character who seduces you into investing in “sacred instruments of tax deferral”. She is the character that imposes punitive taxes on many retirement planning vehicles in Canada. An evening with Ms. PFIC, will teach you why “some” Canadian mutual funds are problematic investments. They may be taxed in a punitive and confiscatory manner. Learning about PFIC is important for Americans who wish to live outside America.

Bottom line: The PFIC rules will definitely restrict your ability to invest and plan for retirement if you live outside the United States.

ms pfic

Third – Oddjob – Uncle FATCA: Uncle FATCA is the enforcer for Mr. FBAR and Ms. PFIC. Without Uncle FATCA, the U.S. government might not know about your PFICs or FBAR. Uncle FATCA is the centralizing force that protects Mr. FBAR and Ms. PFIC. He makes “U.S. taxation abroad” happen. Note also that Uncle FATCA has deputized non-U.S. banks and the the tax compliance industry AKA “Form People” in the hunt for you and your assets. “Form People” sing to the tune of “Uncle FATCA“.

Bottom line: The U.S. “FATCA Hunt” for “U.S. persons” began on July 1, 2014. The U.S. (with the assistance of non-U.S. banks) is hunting the world for people with U.S. indicia. FATCA is NOT going away soon. I suspect that Americans abroad will have to deal with this reality.

uncle fatca

Don’t worry you will spend lots of time with Mr. FBAR, Ms. PFIC and Uncle FATCA. The represent the best of America. They are simply “America’s Best”. They are the symbols of the U.S. tax system as it applies to Americans abroad.

Interestingly, none of these characters is directly related to “taxes”. Each of them plays the role of ensuring, that you live like a “Homeland American”, when you are living offshore abroad.

“U.S. taxation abroad” – it’s about enforcing a “life style” more than it is about the collection of taxes.

The lifestyle enforced – Life as a “U.S. tax compliant” American

Living as a U.S. tax compliant person will restrict your earning, financial planning and retirement planning options. U.S. tax compliance will impact on virtually ALL aspects of your life. It will interfere with the relationship you have with your family.

Americans abroad must choose either: FATCA or Family. (Those who have chosen family may renounce  U.S. citizenship.)

Such is the reality when “citizenship” is “paired with taxation”.

Can one  “Live Clean” as a Homeland American outside the Homeland?

Are you are willing to live under “U.S. tax jurisdiction” when you are living outside the United States? U.S. citizens living outside the United States are subject to a different and “alien” tax system that will conflict with the tax rules in Canada (or your country of residence).

Please understand these realities:

1. There is a  possibility of owing U.S. taxes. This is a real possibility because of both double taxation AND the U.S. levying taxes on things that Canada does not; and

2. Compliance with U.S. tax laws will result in restrictions that will cause serious problems to your life. Retirement planning and business options that are normal to your non-U.S. citizen neighbor will be difficult for you. Your ability to plan for retirement will be significantly impacted.

3. U.S. tax compliance for Americans abroad results in significant financial costs and emotional costs.

4. The United States currently has “Estate Taxes”. Many other countries do not.

As a U.S. citizen abroad, your problem is less “coming into U.S. tax compliance” than “living as a “U.S. tax compliant person” outside the United States.

There are two kinds of Americans abroad with “place of birth” problems

1. Americans abroad who are NOT U.S. tax complaint and worry because they are NOT tax compliant.

2. Americans abroad who ARE U.S. tax compliant and worry because they are tax compliant.

You will NOT solve your problem by being in “U.S. tax compliance”. You will create the problems of having to live under U.S tax rules when you do NOT live in the United States.

Sooner or later, all Americans abroad will be faced with the choice of:

To renounce U.S. citizenship or NOT renounce U.S. citizenship. Whether tis better to …

Before  you file you U.S. taxes you should understand your objective You must decide …

Whether you wish to remain a U.S. citizen, and are coming into U.S. tax compliance for the purpose of remaining a law abiding U.S. citizen.


Whether you do NOT wish to remain a U.S. citizen, and are (first) coming into U.S. tax compliance and (second) coming into U.S. tax compliance for the purpose of relinquishing U.S. citizenship.

Think carefully. It is very difficult to live as an American abroad and be in compliance with U.S laws.

But, hold on! Let’s take a detour. Are you a U.S. citizen at all? It’s time to check.

After all you can’t renounce what you don’t have.

This has been Part 1 – “Accepting Clean”

Part 2 will focus on “Coming Clean”.

Part 3 will focus on “Living Clean”.

John Richardson